How To Prepare When You’re Getting a Dog

Bringing a furry new friend into your life can be a hugely rewarding thing to do, but it’s also something that requires plenty of careful preparation to ensure both you and your new dog (or perhaps puppy) have everything you need to have a happy life together. 

Having the idea to get a dog is one thing, but the reality can be quite different from the dream, and unless you’re fully prepared, you might find things a lot more challenging than you thought you would. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how to prepare when you’re getting a dog. 

Choose The Right Breed

Before anything else, you need to actually pick the dog you want to bring into your home, and that means – in many cases – choosing the breed first. It’s true you can go to a shelter or look for online ads and pick a random breed, but that could be a mistake – it’s far better to have some understanding of which breed of dog is best for your specific situation and circumstances because some breeds will suit you more than others. 

You’ll need to think about factors like size, energy level, grooming needs, and temperament when you’re choosing a breed for your home and family, so it’s good to research various breeds to find one that works. A good place to start is with a labrador, as they have many excellent features that suit a lot of homes. 

Speak To Your Family

Assuming you live with other people, it’s good to remember that getting a dog is a family decision and shouldn’t just be left to one person. By talking through all the pros and cons (and there will be some of each, so make sure you’re being objective about the idea), you can make sure everyone is aware of the things they’ll need to do or how their lives will change when the dog arrives. 

Things you’ll need to talk about and make people aware of (especially children, who can get excited about getting a dog and not even think about all the hard work that goes into it) include feeding the animal, grooming, who’s going to take it for walks, how everyone needs to play with the dog to keep it occupied and happy, and so on. Make sure everyone’s on the same page, and if you have other pets, you’ll need to work out how to introduce your dog gradually – and under supervised conditions – so that’s something else to think about. 


If you get your dog and you don’t have any of the ‘stuff’ that you’ll need, you’re going to be in trouble. You’ll have to quickly grab as many items as you can without being able to take the opportunity to research the best ones and make sure you’re not wasting your money – or forgetting essential elements. 

There are lots of different things you’ll need, and you must make sure you’ve bought the right ones for your dog and for your budget, which is why this isn’t something that should be left to the last minute or ignored altogether. Your dog is going to need a bed, for example, and possibly a crate, so they’ve got a safe, cozy space to go to when they need to (remember your new dog might feel overwhelmed at first, especially if they’re young). 

You’ll also need to get food and water bowls – brand new is best, as if you’re using bowls your previous dog used, for example, that could mean that your new dog won’t be happy and they might not want to eat from those bowls due to the scent of another dog. You’ll also want to make sure the bowls are easy to clean to help you out when it comes to hygiene! 

Other things you’ll need include a good leash and collar for when you go out and about (add an ID to the collar just in case your dog gets lost as well), grooming supplies (this could mean a brush for longer-haired dogs, but at the very least you’ll want dog shampoo and nail clippers). Then there are the toys – your dog has to have toys to keep them entertained as a bored dog is a miserable dog, and a bored dog will chew your furniture and other belongings! And what will you do with your pet when you travel? That’s going to need to be considered as well. 


While no one wants to think about their new dog getting sick or being injured, it’s crucial to put some insurance in place to be financially prepared just in case something like that happens. Vet bills can be very expensive, and because you’ll want to make sure your beloved dog gets better, you might end up getting into financial difficulty, which isn’t something anyone is going to want. 

With insurance, you can rest assured that no matter what it is your dog needs, you’re covered (although, of course, exactly what’s covered will depend on the policy you buy). Insurance can sometimes seem annoying, and even like a waste of money if you never use it, but it’s far better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it, so do your research and pick the right policy for your needs so that no matter what happens, your dog can be treated in the best possible way. 

Emergency Fund

You might have noticed that we’ve mentioned money a few times during this blog post, and that’s because it’s a big consideration when it comes to getting a dog, and you must make sure you’re able to afford it. 

To start with, you’ll need to pay for the dog itself, and then all the equipment that we’ve listed above. Plus you’ll have to get food, make sure you get insurance, and much more besides. 

Of course, it’s also wise to prepare for the unexpected, as strange as that might seem – and as impossible as it might seem. The thing to remember is that dogs can be very unpredictable, and anything can happen – they might cause some damage and you might have to pay for repairs, and that’s just one example. If you’ve got a special contingency fund that links to your dog, you can have peace of mind and know you can deal with anything that comes your way. 

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